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Workcover WA update as of March 13, 2020

WorkCover WA is receiving queries relating to COVID-19, commonly known as Coronavirus. The main query is whether workers would be entitled to compensation in WA if the disease is contracted at work.

In order for any worker to be eligible for compensation a disease must have been contracted in the course of employment and the employment must have been a significant contributing factor to the contraction of the disease.

In relation to COVID-19 where exposure can occur in public settings questions may arise as to the exact time and place of contracting the virus.  As a result, it may be difficult to determine that employment was a significant contributing factor.

Each claim would need to be considered on its individual merits, having regard to the individual circumstances and evidence of each claim.

If a person diagnosed with COVID-19 wishes to make a workers’ compensation claim, please refer to WorkCover WA’s website for relevant information.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, WorkCover WA encourages all stakeholders to exercise all precautions.  Refer to the Department of Health website for practical measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19.

*please note the above article is from the Workcover WA website