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At Centrewest we are committed to supporting our clients as the COVID-19 situation evolves. As a leader in a risk management business, we remain fully committed to supporting you and your company through these challenging times.  

We would like to reassure all our clients that we are here to help as much as possible and to please contact us if you have any questions:

Centrewest Articles – COVID-19 & Insurance 

Ideas on how to survive the long weekend in isolation

Not sure how you are going to spend another long weekend? We complied a list of iso activities for you and your family. 

Temporary closure, unoccupancy & working from home arrangements

As we struggle with the consequences of COVID-19 it is important to highlight some of the effects on insurance arrangements with temporary closures, working from home & unoccupied buildings. We have some general advice to assist you.

COVID-19 Insurance Updates

Details on what may or may not be covered by insurance ins Australia – business interruption, temporary removal of office equipment, workers compensation, travel insurance.

Workers Compensation – COVID-19

Update from Workcover WA regarding COVID-19 – Are workers entitled to compensation in WA if the disease is contracted at work?

Support Networks

Employment Relations Specialist

Centrewest are partnered with an employment relations specialist, as a Centrewest client you have access to a range of resources and expert employment relations and health and safety advice. At these trying times this is a great service to have access to, to discuss processes regarding leave when businesses are facing shut down periods. You can access expert advice and corresponding documentation for employee and industrial relations, human resources, health & safety and organisational development.

  • The advice line is open Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 5:30pm.
  • Phone: 1300 758 478

Government Support

The Australian Government is supporting Australian businesses to manage cash flow and challenges and retain employees. Assistance includes cash flow support to businesses and temporary measures to provide relief for financially distressed businesses.

For more information on the support that is being provided and regularly updated by the Australian Government and what services or financial support you may have access to, click here. 

Federal Government & Banks Support Packages

Insurer Updates

Stay Informed – Helpful Links


As you can appreciate, due to the previous catastrophic weather events Australia wide this caused a surge of claims and most insurers are still dealing these. Our claims team are continuing to work closely with the insurers to support our clients and have claims reviewed and settled in a timely manner. We apologise for any delays and thank you for your support.