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How can businesses identify and manage their risks?


At Centrewest, when a client first approaches us we like to advise them on the different aspects of risk that their business faces. There are many risks that business owners may never have considered and many of these risks require regular assessment. Here are the top five areas of risk we commonly see Strategic External […]

Is your business protected against cyber attacks?


In September 2022, Australian telecommunications giant, Optus was the target of a serious cyber-attack which resulted in the exposure of the personal details of almost 10 million former and current customers.   Optus is now facing penalties as a result of this attack, as well as being potentially liable for the various costs of their […]

Spring is here – have you considered your bush fire risk?


Spring is here, and with the change in season comes the time to think about the bushfire risk for where you live and work. Planning and managing your risks will decrease the potential of damage to life, property, and assets. We’ve put together some tips to assess your risk, and how to be prepared:  Identify […]

Are you across Work Health and Safety Legislation?


On March 31, the WA Government implemented the latest Work Health and Safety reforms.    The effect of the changes has broadened the liability and responsibility of companies, directors, and employees introduced significantly higher fines for WHS breaches and increased the potential for prison sentences.    The WA Government announced funding to assist small to medium business access to external expertise required to get third party certification in national […]