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Does my business need public liability insurance?


Have you ever had someone trip and hurt themselves at your business premises? Have one of your staff ever accidentally damaged someone else’s property while performing their job? Has a piece of your work equipment caused an accident in public? If any of these incidences have happened or could possibly happen to your business, then […]

Employee Relations Advice

Centrewest clients receive free Employee Relations advisory service


Did you know that Centrewest clients receive access to a range of services to help manage their business and team?   Centrewest is partnered with PSL Group to provide our clients with a personalised and confidential on-call advisory service* to help them tackle a range of workplace issues such as health & safety compliance, performance […]

Would your home or business be protected against flooding?


It is devastating to see the impact of the severe flooding currently being experienced across Victoria, Tasmania and lower NSW. Thousands of homes and businesses have been flooded in many riverside communities, with many buildings being damaged or destroyed. Although we have been lucky to not be affected in WA, this comes as a timely […]

Centrewest celebrates 35 years in business


This year Centrewest is celebrating the exciting milestone of 35 years in business. Our Managing Director, Rick Post reflects on how the company has changed and grown over this time. Centrewest was founded by Joe Barbaro and Greg Milner on 19th October 1987, coincidently the same day as the notorious Black Monday stock exchange crash. […]