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How to prevent a cyber attack


In recent years we have seen an increase in the number and sophistication of cyber threats and attacks in Australia. Over the 2021-22 financial year the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) received over 76,000 cybercrime reports, a 13% increase from the previous financial year.  The ACSC also reported that medium-sized businesses with between 20 and […]

Meet the Centrewest team


Providing tailored insurance solutions for businesses is just one part of our overall offering at Centrewest. Another, is ensuring we offer exceptional customer service to all of our clients, and we pride ourselves on having built an incredible team which enables us to do this. Rick Post, Director of Centrewest Insurance Brokers, credits much of […]

Top 10 areas of risk for businesses in 2023


Business risks come in all shapes and sizes. Some can be internal risks such as employee performance, procedural failure or faulty equipment. Others can be external risks such as economic factors, cyber-attacks, natural disasters or bad debts. Knowing how to identify and manage risks can help reduce the impact of any unexpected events that your […]

What does business insurance actually cover?


A business can takes years or even decades to grow, but a major disaster or accident could severely damage or destroy it. Therefore, it’s important for businesses to protect themselves with a quality business insurance pack. With the right insurance cover in place, owners can run their business with confidence, knowing that their premises, products […]