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Lithium-ion battery fires on the rise – what you need to know


The number of building fires caused by lithium-ion batteries has almost doubled in the last two years, according to the Western Australian Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES). Last year, WA firefighters responded to 64 structure fires caused by lithium-ion batteries, up from 34 in 2020. What products use lithium-ion batteries? Lithium-ion batteries are […]

Giving back through the Centrewest Staff Volunteer Program


Since our inception, Centrewest has been committed to supporting the local community. Over the years we have provided support through donations and sponsorships of some organisations close to our heart, such as Breast Cancer Care WA, TRANSAFE WA and Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre. More recently, we have been looking at ways to extend our […]

Flexi hoses: how these can impact your home insurance premium


As the cost of living continues to rise in 2023, we are all looking for ways to reduce our household costs. When it comes to your insurance costs, the best way to keep your premiums low is manage your risks and adopt simple measures that can help to prevent you needing to make a claim, […]

How to protect your business from bad debts in 2023


In recent months, some trade credit insurers are recording an increase in the number of claims received as a result of bad customers debts. According to Trade Credit Insurance Broker NCI, the current economic slowdown brought about largely from persistent interest rate hikes and the surge in inflation is having a major effect on business […]