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What is Premium Funding? | How your business can benefit from it


  Did you know that a 2017 ASIC survey identified over 2 out of 5 small business failures are due to insufficient cash flow? As a small business, your insurance policies are obligatory, but the costs involved don’t have to cause unnecessary financial stress. Read on to find out how Premium Funding your policies can […]

What if your commercial property or home is unoccupied?


  A common issue arises when a building, whether a home or commercial, is unoccupied for an extended period. If for instance: You are travelling on an extended holiday You are moving away Or a tenant leaves your home or commercial building and you find you can’t tenant or sell the property, make sure you consider […]

Is Your Property Bushfire Prepared?


  As Christmas holidays approach we finally get our chance to visit Perth’s beautiful beaches. Unfortunately, dry heat and winds bring significant fire risk to you, your loved ones and property. Having just experienced the driest Autumn in five years, Perth and the South West have been warned to brace for increased bushfire risk this […]

Trade Credit Insurance: Is it time to insure your Debtors’ ledger?


  A big part of success in business relies on finding new processes for growth and often, we engage new suppliers. Unfortunately without an existing relationship we can’t trust that we’ll receive timely payments, yet in business-to-business provision, credit terms are the acceptable form of remittance. With each credit granted, we can increase the strain on cash flow and expose ourselves to the […]