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Increase to WA’s Work Health and Safety Penalties


Western Australia now has the highest work health and safety penalties in the country. The increase in penalties highlights the importance of maintaining a safe workplace. Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) also referred to Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) laws require employers to manage workplace risks in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of […]

Tradies Insurance, do you know what cover you need?


    Are you a tradie getting confused about what insurance cover you need? Do you fully understand your responsibilities as a licensed tradie at a job site? Your trade and your business is unique, and for that reason so is your risk and the cover you need. Tradesperson insurance can vary, whether you’re a subbie, sole […]

Management of Minor Workers’ Compensation Claims


    A recent Workcover WA Bulletin has been released, claiming that some employers are choosing to pay low cost workers’ compensation claims themselves and not processing them in accordance with current legislation.   Duty to submit a workers’ compensation claim Regardless of the size of the claim, under the Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management […]

Surviving Email Fraud in 2018


    Enterprise security company Proofpoint, Inc has recently released their 2018 Edition of Surviving Email Fraud: A Practical Guide to Protecting Your Organisation. The publication states that since the FBI began tracking simple email fraud attacks in 2015, more than 22,000 organisations worldwide have fallen victim to them, losing an estimated $3.08 billion. Proofpoint […]