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It’s time to travel again!


It’s time to travel again! After what seems like a very long two years, we are all now free to travel again.  Aside from remembering to pack the essentials like bathers and sunscreen, don’t forget to consider your options when it comes to travel insurance.  You can either go for a one-off travel insurance for […]

Wishing you a Merry Christmas


From the Centrewest team we wish you, your family and loved ones a wonderful festive season and a safe and happy New Year. We would like to take this opportunity to express how truly grateful we are for your continued support and resilience and we look forward to continuing our relationships in 2022.  It is […]

Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations & Workers Compensation


In light of the State Government, and some employers, mandating that workers in certain industries obtain a COVID-19 vaccination, employers and workers sought clarification on whether workers can lodge a compensation claim if they have an adverse reaction to a vaccine. The below bulletin, from WorkCover WA, provides general information on the issue of COVID-19 […]

Mandatory COVID vaccinations in the workplace


With government-imposed lockdowns & restrictions, wide reporting of COVD-19 cases and the national push for vaccination, can employers mandate COVID-19 vaccinations in the workplace? Our partner Mapien, employment relations specialists, have complied a document with frequently asked questions relating to the mandatory COVID vaccinations in the workplace. Further questions and support If you have any […]