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Why would you need Trade Credit Insurance?


What would happen to your business if bad debts were incurred? One small customer not paying their account may not be an issue. But what if multiple small customers, or a larger customer was unable to pay their debts? This could significantly affect your business.   It is important to have protections in place so […]

Are your vehicles, plant & machinery insured for their true value?


Due to COVID and its significant impact on global supply chains, the values of vehicles, plant & machinery have significantly increased in Australia. This increased value will continue for some time as buyers look for quick fixes and waiting for new equipment is not an option.    Car valuation expert Redbook, estimate that used vehicle […]

The impact of NSW and QLD Floods on insurance claims


Never has it become more apparent that the insurance industry is a vital cog in the Australian economy than in recent catastrophic events in NSW and Queensland and this has only been reinforced by NSW again flooding in early July.  According to the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA), claims data from the QLD and NSW […]

Are you towing your caravan illegally?


Are you towing your caravan illegally? It’s time to pack the caravan and head for warmer climates! Before you leave make sure that you check your vehicles towing capacity. A recent report on the ABC highlighted that the Queensland governments recent blitz, found that most of the caravans in Qld were either over the weight limit or had issues with […]