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Western Australia now has the highest work health and safety penalties in the country. The increase in penalties highlights the importance of maintaining a safe workplace.

Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) also referred to Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) laws require employers to manage workplace risks in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of workers and others who might be at risk.
Creating a safe work environment is a legal requirement, it is an employers responsibility to implement health and safety practises in the workplace.


Penalties for breaches of Western Australia’s WHS laws increased substantially as of 3 October 2018 when the State Government announced significant increases to fines and jail terms for businesses who commit safety offences.

Although it may cost to implement safe practices and install safety equipment, the effect of not taking action can be severe and costly. Complying with WHS requirements can prevent you from being prosecuted and fined, and help you retain skilled staff.

Examples for a first offence by a body corporate;

  • Level 1 penalties increase from $50,000 to $450,000
  • Level 4 penalties increase from $500,000 to $2.7 million

What you need to do 

Workers compensation and public liability does not cover you for the fines and penalties imposed under this legislation. Talk to your Centrewest Account Manager about Management Liability Insurance as this policy will provide protection to managers and the company for legal costs, fines and penalties.

Contact us today via Our Team page or on 08 9349 7900 to discuss further!

For better people performance, talk to the best people 

Employment practices and health and safety compliance is crucial to the success of every business. Centrewest have a partnership with a Employment Relations Advisory Service. Through this partnership, our clients have access to a range of resources and experts, tailored exclusively for Centrewest clients. For further information please click here.