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Peace of mind for your piece of home – A guide to Landlord Insurance for Holiday Rentals.


Turning your property into a vacation home can be a rewarding venture with the changing face of vacation sites such as Airbnb, Stays & others. Whether it’s a cozy home nestled on a beach town of the southwest or a chic urban apartment in the middle of the bustling metro areas. However, with great opportunities […]

PassportCard – A revolution in private travel insurance!


We’ve all been there before… That suitcase holding all your important items has miraculously made its way to a different capital city other than the one you’ve landed in.. You or your significant other breaks their leg on the ski slopes of a remote Japanese village…Your credit card is skimmed at the local ATM of […]

It’s time to travel again!


It’s time to travel again! After what seems like a very long two years, we are all now free to travel again.  Aside from remembering to pack the essentials like bathers and sunscreen, don’t forget to consider your options when it comes to travel insurance.  You can either go for a one-off travel insurance for […]

Coronavirus Update


While Australia has been relatively protected from the spread of Coronavirus, many travellers have been disrupted due to travel restrictions, while others are reluctant to travel due to the increase risk that the disease poses. At this point in time most claims are being considered and assessed on their particular circumstances. As it is a […]

Travel Insurance & Coronavirus


As you are probably aware there is an active outbreak of a new novel coronavirus that originated from Wuhan City in Hubei Province in China. The Australian Government (DFAT) has raised the travel advisory for all Australians to “Level 4 – Do not travel to mainland China”. The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) says while […]