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Peace of mind for your piece of home – A guide to Landlord Insurance for Holiday Rentals.


Turning your property into a vacation home can be a rewarding venture with the changing face of vacation sites such as Airbnb, Stays & others. Whether it’s a cozy home nestled on a beach town of the southwest or a chic urban apartment in the middle of the bustling metro areas. However, with great opportunities […]

Lithium-ion battery fires on the rise – what you need to know


The number of building fires caused by lithium-ion batteries has almost doubled in the last two years, according to the Western Australian Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES). Last year, WA firefighters responded to 64 structure fires caused by lithium-ion batteries, up from 34 in 2020. What products use lithium-ion batteries? Lithium-ion batteries are […]

Tips for a successful insurance claim


When the inevitable time comes that you need to make a claim against your insurance, it can feel a little stressful and daunting to know what you need to provide in order for your claim to be processed successfully. If you have purchased insurance directly from an insurance provider you will need to manage this […]

Would your home or business be protected against flooding?


It is devastating to see the impact of the severe flooding currently being experienced across Victoria, Tasmania and lower NSW. Thousands of homes and businesses have been flooded in many riverside communities, with many buildings being damaged or destroyed. Although we have been lucky to not be affected in WA, this comes as a timely […]

Spring is here – have you considered your bush fire risk?


Spring is here, and with the change in season comes the time to think about the bushfire risk for where you live and work. Planning and managing your risks will decrease the potential of damage to life, property, and assets. We’ve put together some tips to assess your risk, and how to be prepared:  Identify […]

Perth Hills WA Bushfire


Our thoughts are with those impacted by the bushfires and we would like to ensure our clients affected that we are here to support you. Please remember to follow instructions when returning to your home and stay informed, What you may be covered for: Total loss   Domestic & commercial glass Make safe & […]

Understanding Underinsurance


It is important for businesses and home owners to take steps to ensure they are properly insured.  Unfortunately, 1 in 10 Australian small businesses with insurance don’t have enough cover to protect themselves against business disruption, legal liabilities or loss or damage to their assets* Under-insurance is when the value you have insured your property […]

Bushfire Prepardness


As summer is approaching so is bushfire season. After a series of relatively mild summers, and a dry winter this year, fire authorities warn bushfire conditions heading into summer are on par with possibly some of the worst seen in recent years. Planning and managing risks –  for your business, home or both – will […]

Proof of Ownership


You notice a ring you were given by a loved one is no longer where it should be, you immediately start thinking where it could be and what you can do to get it back, insurance! If you need to make a contents insurance claim, you will generally need some evidence of ownership, to prove […]

What if your commercial property or home is unoccupied?


  A common issue arises when a building, whether a home or commercial, is unoccupied for an extended period. If for instance: You are travelling on an extended holiday You are moving away Or a tenant leaves your home or commercial building and you find you can’t tenant or sell the property, make sure you consider […]