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Understanding Underinsurance


It is important for businesses and home owners to take steps to ensure they are properly insured.  Unfortunately, 1 in 10 Australian small businesses with insurance don’t have enough cover to protect themselves against business disruption, legal liabilities or loss or damage to their assets* Under-insurance is when the value you have insured your property […]

Coronavirus Update


While Australia has been relatively protected from the spread of Coronavirus, many travellers have been disrupted due to travel restrictions, while others are reluctant to travel due to the increase risk that the disease poses. At this point in time most claims are being considered and assessed on their particular circumstances. As it is a […]

Travel Insurance & Coronavirus


As you are probably aware there is an active outbreak of a new novel coronavirus that originated from Wuhan City in Hubei Province in China. The Australian Government (DFAT) has raised the travel advisory for all Australians to “Level 4 – Do not travel to mainland China”. The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) says while […]

Bushfire Prepardness


As summer is approaching so is bushfire season. After a series of relatively mild summers, and a dry winter this year, fire authorities warn bushfire conditions heading into summer are on par with possibly some of the worst seen in recent years. Planning and managing risks –  for your business, home or both – will […]

Proof of Ownership


You notice a ring you were given by a loved one is no longer where it should be, you immediately start thinking where it could be and what you can do to get it back, insurance! If you need to make a contents insurance claim, you will generally need some evidence of ownership, to prove […]

Increase to WA’s Work Health and Safety Penalties


Western Australia now has the highest work health and safety penalties in the country. The increase in penalties highlights the importance of maintaining a safe workplace. Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) also referred to Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) laws require employers to manage workplace risks in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of […]

Is Your Property Bushfire Prepared?


  As Christmas holidays approach we finally get our chance to visit Perth’s beautiful beaches. Unfortunately, dry heat and winds bring significant fire risk to you, your loved ones and property. Having just experienced the driest Autumn in five years, Perth and the South West have been warned to brace for increased bushfire risk this […]

The Importance of Full Disclosure


  Did you know that taking out an insurance policy means entering into a legal contract? It’s important to remember both the insurer and insured are lawfully bound to its terms. In Australia, our policies are governed by the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 that sets out the obligations of all parties, but particularly important to the insured is your Duty of […]