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How can businesses identify and manage their risks?


At Centrewest, when a client first approaches us we like to advise them on the different aspects of risk that their business faces. There are many risks that business owners may never have considered and many of these risks require regular assessment. Here are the top five areas of risk we commonly see Strategic External […]

Spring is here – have you considered your bush fire risk?


Spring is here, and with the change in season comes the time to think about the bushfire risk for where you live and work. Planning and managing your risks will decrease the potential of damage to life, property, and assets. We’ve put together some tips to assess your risk, and how to be prepared:  Identify […]

The impact of NSW and QLD Floods on insurance claims


Never has it become more apparent that the insurance industry is a vital cog in the Australian economy than in recent catastrophic events in NSW and Queensland and this has only been reinforced by NSW again flooding in early July.  According to the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA), claims data from the QLD and NSW […]

Wishing you a Merry Christmas


From the Centrewest team we wish you, your family and loved ones a wonderful festive season and a safe and happy New Year. We would like to take this opportunity to express how truly grateful we are for your continued support and resilience and we look forward to continuing our relationships in 2022.  It is […]

What to do if you have a car accident


No one expects to be involved in a car accident but it can be an unfortunate reality of driving. After a car accident it can be difficult to think clearly and to remember what actions to take. Click here for our flyer: Had a car incident… what now? The flyer contains handy information if you […]

COVID-19 Resources


At Centrewest we are committed to supporting our clients as the COVID-19 situation continues. As a leader in a risk management business, we remain fully committed to supporting you and your company through these challenging times.   We would like to reassure all our clients that we are here to help as much as possible and […]

Centrewest Rebrand Announcement


  Say hello, new logo! After many months of planning we are proud to announce that we are  launching a new Centrewest logo and look!  Over the next couple of months, you will start to see visuals around Centrewest align with the new logo and branding – on the website, letters, in advertising etc.   Centrewest […]

Perth Hills WA Bushfire


Our thoughts are with those impacted by the bushfires and we would like to ensure our clients affected that we are here to support you. Please remember to follow instructions when returning to your home and stay informed, What you may be covered for: Total loss   Domestic & commercial glass Make safe & […]

Centrewest Business Network


At Centrewest we would like to help our clients by advertising your services and your business to our community. Now is the time when local businesses need our support. Although we are not able to visit our favourite places, many are offering takeaway options, online orders, gift vouchers to enjoy later, videos and virtural tours to […]

Temporary closure, unoccupancy & working from home arrangements


As we struggle with the consequences of COVID-19 it is important to highlight some of the effects on insurance arrangements with temporary closures, working from home & unoccupied buildings. So, with this in mind, we have some general advice below to assist you. Please note, it is absolutely vital you contact your Centrewest Broker, 08 […]