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Bank impersonation scams – what you need to know


Criminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their tactics used to commit scams. Fraudsters are now using a broad range of malicious activities to manipulate or trick victims into making security mistakes or divulging sensitive information. Scammers will commonly pose as a major bank, tax authority or other reputable service company and then convince the customer to […]

Six steps to respond to a cyber attack


With cybercrime on the rise globally, most businesses have recognised that it is simply becoming a matter of when, not if, they will fall victim to an attack. Therefore, it is so important to have a clear response plan in place so you know exactly what to do if there is an attack or a […]

How to prevent a cyber attack


In recent years we have seen an increase in the number and sophistication of cyber threats and attacks in Australia. Over the 2021-22 financial year the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) received over 76,000 cybercrime reports, a 13% increase from the previous financial year.  The ACSC also reported that medium-sized businesses with between 20 and […]

Top 10 areas of risk for businesses in 2023


Business risks come in all shapes and sizes. Some can be internal risks such as employee performance, procedural failure or faulty equipment. Others can be external risks such as economic factors, cyber-attacks, natural disasters or bad debts. Knowing how to identify and manage risks can help reduce the impact of any unexpected events that your […]

Is your business protected against cyber attacks?


In September 2022, Australian telecommunications giant, Optus was the target of a serious cyber-attack which resulted in the exposure of the personal details of almost 10 million former and current customers.   Optus is now facing penalties as a result of this attack, as well as being potentially liable for the various costs of their […]

Surviving Email Fraud in 2018


    Enterprise security company Proofpoint, Inc has recently released their 2018 Edition of Surviving Email Fraud: A Practical Guide to Protecting Your Organisation. The publication states that since the FBI began tracking simple email fraud attacks in 2015, more than 22,000 organisations worldwide have fallen victim to them, losing an estimated $3.08 billion. Proofpoint […]

Cyber Exposure: An Emerging Risk


  Cyber Protection Insurance is an emerging form of cover that aims to protect businesses from the financial impact of a computer network hack or data breach. Recent statistics show that Australia is the 5th most targeted country for cyber attacks globally and that a vast majority of these attacks occur from security vulnerabilities due […]