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It’s time to travel again!


It’s time to travel again! After what seems like a very long two years, we are all now free to travel again.  Aside from remembering to pack the essentials like bathers and sunscreen, don’t forget to consider your options when it comes to travel insurance.  You can either go for a one-off travel insurance for […]

Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations & Workers Compensation


In light of the State Government, and some employers, mandating that workers in certain industries obtain a COVID-19 vaccination, employers and workers sought clarification on whether workers can lodge a compensation claim if they have an adverse reaction to a vaccine. The below bulletin, from WorkCover WA, provides general information on the issue of COVID-19 […]

Mandatory COVID vaccinations in the workplace


With government-imposed lockdowns & restrictions, wide reporting of COVD-19 cases and the national push for vaccination, can employers mandate COVID-19 vaccinations in the workplace? Our partner Mapien, employment relations specialists, have complied a document with frequently asked questions relating to the mandatory COVID vaccinations in the workplace. Further questions and support If you have any […]

Update on Business Interruption Claims Relating to COVID-19


What has happened so far? Since March 2020 many businesses and commercial properties have been effected by loss of profits and rental income from enforced COVID-19 shutdowns and restrictions. Generally insurers had previously taken steps to reduce their exposure to pandemics in the early 2000’s and were relying on exclusions to avoid claims. However, some insurers did not amend their […]

COVID-19 Resources


At Centrewest we are committed to supporting our clients as the COVID-19 situation continues. As a leader in a risk management business, we remain fully committed to supporting you and your company through these challenging times.   We would like to reassure all our clients that we are here to help as much as possible and […]

Update on Business Interruption Claims Relating to COVID-19


Following the decision of the NSW Court of Appeal earlier this week, relating to business interruption claims, we thought we would send an update to all of our clients and partners. In August 2020 the Insurance Council of Australia supported the commencement of a test case in the NSW Supreme Court to consider the application […]

Ideas on how to survive the long weekend in isolation


Not sure how you are going to spend another long weekend? We complied a list of iso activities for you and your family. ANZAC Day Driveway Dawn Service Honour ANZACS from your driveway – Stand on your balcony or in your driveway for the dawn service. RSL branches have endorsed and encouraged the gesture of […]

Temporary closure, unoccupancy & working from home arrangements


As we struggle with the consequences of COVID-19 it is important to highlight some of the effects on insurance arrangements with temporary closures, working from home & unoccupied buildings. So, with this in mind, we have some general advice below to assist you. Please note, it is absolutely vital you contact your Centrewest Broker, 08 […]

COVID-19 Insurance Update


As the details and headlines about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continue to change and increase, so have peoples concern of the affect on businesses and welfare. On Wednesday 11 March the World Health Organisation (WHO) characterised COVID-19 as a pandemic, while the Insurance Council of Australia declared COVID-19 an insurance catastrophe.  We would like to reassure all our […]

Workers Compensation – Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Workcover WA update as of March 13, 2020 WorkCover WA is receiving queries relating to COVID-19, commonly known as Coronavirus. The main query is whether workers would be entitled to compensation in WA if the disease is contracted at work. In order for any worker to be eligible for compensation a disease must have been […]