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Centrewest has been a safety partner of TRANSAFE WA since 2012. TRANSAFE WA are a non-profit organisation that deliver events and projects for both the road transport industry and the general public focused on safe heavy vehicle operations and interactions.

You may be surprised to learn that 80 percent of fatal accidents involving cars and trucks in Australia are deemed to be the fault of the car driver, not the heavy vehicle driver*.

With the road transport freight task in Western Australia set to treble in the next 30 years, TRANSAFE WA is committed to educating current and future road users to safely share the road with heavy vehicles and reduce the number of unsafe incidences. Centrewest is a strong supporter of this mission. 

On Wednesday 25th January 2023, TRANSAFE WA launched their brand new safety initiative, iNSTRUCKTA! – a custom truck and semi-trailer combination delivering innovative educational road safety programs.

The first of its kind in Western Australia, iNSTRUCKTA! contains innovative, technology-driven education programs which will engage people of all ages and teach them how to safely interact with trucks on the road.

By visiting schools, community events and public spaces around Western Australia, iNSTRUCKTA! will use interactive and virtual experiences to teach users important lessons such as truck blind spots, overtaking heavy vehicles, trucks turning and cutting in.

TRANSAFE WA’s Executive Officer Rob Sharpe said that without the support of their generous sponsors, initiatives like the iNSTRUCKTA! would not be possible. “We are so grateful for Centrewest’s continued support over the last 10 years. TRANSAFE WA is a not for profit organisation so we rely on the generous support from businesses and individuals who see the benefits in our road transport industry safety initiatives,” said Rob. 

Click here to learn more about the iNSTRUCKTA!

Centrewest has always been committed to providing support and sponsoring the local community. Find out more about some of the other local groups and organisations we support.


*Source: NTARC, October 2020