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Spring is here, and with the change in season comes the time to think about the bushfire risk for where you live and work.

Planning and managing your risks will decrease the potential of damage to life, property, and assets.

We’ve put together some tips to assess your risk, and how to be prepared: 

  • Identify if you are in a bushfire risk area. You can use this government website to check.
  • If you are in a bushfire prone area, give some thought to your preparation. The simple things are the best – clear your gutters, remove dry leaves and cut back trees or shrubs that are too close to your home, regularly mow your lawn and move hazardous items away from your home.
  • Ensure your property is fitted with smoke alarms and test them regularly.
  • In the event your property is threatened by fire, have a plan in place. Know when, where and how to evacuate. The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) has some excellent advice regarding bushfire plans. Visit the DFES website
  • Familiarise yourself with the new Australian fire danger rating system which came into effect this year. You can view these on the DFES website.
  • Make sure you have the appropriate insurance cover to avoid severe financial loss in the event your home and contents or business are destroyed by fire.

If you would like to discuss the level of insurance cover required for your assets, please contact the Centrewest team today.