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Say hello, new logo!

After many months of planning we are proud to announce that we are  launching a new Centrewest logo and look! 

Over the next couple of months, you will start to see visuals around Centrewest align with the new logo and branding – on the website, letters, in advertising etc.
Centrewest have grown and evolved since 1987 and we felt it was time for a change.

We chose a logo that reflects a more modern look. The two dots in our new logo represents the end-to-end abilities of Centrewest, and our central position within Western Australia.
Our updated colour palette alludes to the brightening of the sky after storms, the silver lining after a difficult time. Our aim was to create a professional tone, while still having a sense of approachability and trust.
We are still backed by Steadfast, Australia’s largest general insurance broker network.
One simple local door, to a world of protection. Through our continued partnership with Steadfast we can tap into a market leading, international broker network. Which means you get nothing less than world class solution tailored-to-fit your Western Australian needs.
The rebrand will not impact or change any policies, our relationship with our clients, businesses or people.
We look forward to a successful 2021 and continuing to work with you.
All the very best,
Rick Post
Managing Director